New Year – New Wage Laws

New Year – New Wage Laws

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With the start of a New Year, New Year resolutions are not the only items we should be tending to. In this case, there are new Arizona laws that begin to take into effect on January 1, 2019.
Included in these new Arizona laws is the increase in Arizona’s minimum wage. As part of Proposition 206 – the Fair Wages and Healthy Families Act, the minimum wage in Arizona began increasing back in 2016, with the third of the four annual increases beginning on January 1, 2019. As of the beginning of 2019, the new Arizona minimum wage is now $11 an hour, up 50 cents from last year. For employees receiving tips, employers can pay up to $3 per hour less than the minimum wage. This would mean the lowest these employees can be paid is $8.

Arizona is now part of 29 states that have minimum wages higher than the federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour. It is also important to note that Arizona is part of 20 states and close to two dozen cities that will have new minimum wage requirements that take effect in, 2019. See the charts below to see a listing of the various state minimum wages and the amount of increase that is occurring in each of these states.

2019 minimum wage
increase in state minimum wage 2019
The dates some of these wage increases will take effect differ from state to state. The majority will go into effect on January 1, 2019 but some states go into effect on other days. These states include:

New York – December 31, 2018
Michigan – April 1, 2019
Oregon and DC – July 1, 2019
Delaware – October 1, 2019
So make sure to take into consideration these wage law changes as we begin 2019. For any outstanding questions or concerns, call us here at Price Kong and we will be able to assist you.

About the Author:

Arturo received his undergraduate accounting degree from Arizona State University in 2008 and his Masters of Taxation from Arizona State University in 2011. He became a CPA in 2013. Joining the firm in November 2016, Arturo has over 10 years of experience in public accounting.

He is a member of the Arizona Society of Certified Public Accountants, the American Institute of CPAs, and serves as the Treasurer for ICM Food and Clothing Bank. You may reach Arturo at his direct phone: 602-776-6334 or by e-mail at